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Though I Walk In Leather Shoes

Baptzing into the Lord Jesus is to put on him.
The righteousness which we clothe is the Lord himself.

Alll have sinned and are in unrighteous,
But anyone born again in him is righeous.

What is the reason of his justification?
That's because of the innocent Lamb,
Who lay down his life for the ungodly.

That's not of ourselves, nor of our good works,
For that's free gift through the sacrifice of God.

I'm sure that for this skin clothes
Which cleaves to my soul and spirit,
Neither the thieves nor the heresies
Cannot take it off from me.

Though I walk in Chines leather shoes
For I could not afford to buy the chiefest one, 
A pair of skin clothes in terrible cold seasons.

I'm very proud of wearing the unseen leather skin,
Which is the new brand of the blood of God.



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